“Apparels of Joy” unfolds as an inspiring initiative led by Shakil Ahmed and Iftekhar Adil, trustees of the Kolkata Educational and Charitable Trust. This heartwarming programme revolves around the collection, restoration, and redistribution of pre-used clothes. Donors generously contribute their used garments, which undergo a meticulous transformation—mended, washed, and ironed to restore their dignity. The revitalized clothes are thoughtfully displayed at The KECT Academy, creating a makeshift boutique where individuals can browse and choose clothing that resonates with their style and needs. This compassionate endeavor, initially spearheaded by Shakil Ahmed and Iftekhar Adil has been officially embraced by the Trust. With two successful distributions to date, more than 750 pieces of clothing have found new homes, weaving threads of joy and warmth into the fabric of the community. “Apparels of Joy” epitomizes the transformative power of collective kindness, transcending mere garments to deliver a tangible impact on the lives of those it touches.